Mapua Exclusive Content

Business Leadership Masterclass


2h:35m:40s Mapúa MasterClass in Business Leadership Series | The Career Advice That Will Change Your Life

Career Driven Strategy


47m:34s Build YOUR best brand! How great firms show that your resume is not about you.

Effective Communication


1h:46m:25s Business writing is different from academic writing!

Organization and Project Management


53m:51s Why communication is the best tool for optimization
1h:32m:50s Gantt’s Secret to Success

Professional Conduct


1h:47m:42s Great tips for emailing, g-chatting, DMing, and all kinds of things essential to your professional conduct.

Investment Literacy


50m:31s The Timetable Investor

Global Finance


1h:47m:36s US vs China – Is 2023 the End of America and US Stocks Along With It?

Health and Wellness

By Dr. Param Dedhia
By Professor Joel Litman


18m:13s The Secret to Living the Best 1/3 of Your Life!

Specific OJT Accelerators


1hr35m49s Code to Success: Software Developer Career Accelerator
1hr12m54s Supercharge your Marketing Career!
1hr46m25s Mightier Than the Sword: Secrets of GREAT Content and Copywriting
1hr47m43s The Greatest Class Reunion Ever: Philippine Finance Career Super Accelerator
1hr47m42s How to Truly Excel in Human Resources and Executive Support
1hr27m41s Beyond the Ledger: Career Accelerator for Accounting Specialists in Finance

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