GSB 599 Strategic Analysis for Competing Globally

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Please note that students registered for GSB 599 should select the Student Edition on the Purchase page for the discounted student price $34.95 which is available only for students officially registered in the GSB 599 course.  Others purchasing the course package for executive education and applications in companies would select the Professional Edition price $99.95.

This MBA capstone course has been designed to develop strategic thinking and analytical skills using an integrative approach to strategic analysis and the strategic management of organizations in a dynamic global environment.  The course integrates the language and logic of leading strategy frameworks for analyzing the strategies of an organization using a case study approach.

The GSB 599 Strategic Analysis for Competing Globally content is for individual use only, each course book is watermarked with and individual secure license ID, these ID's are intended for use of the purchaser only, any sharing, copying, redistribution, or otherwise of the content is a direct violation of the license.  By purchasing this course material you acknowledge and agree to abide by the rules of the individual secure license.

Included in your purchase are:

  • GSB 599 Background Readings, Articles and Instructional Videos - Digital Download with personal copyright license watermark.
  • The following background reading will used during our course.
    • Background Readings on the Return Driven Strategy framework: These articles should be read for background at the Return Driven Strategy framework
      • Return Driven - Lessons from High Performance Companies - Strategic Finance 2008
      • When Strategy and Valuation Meet - Strategic Finance 2004
      • Return Driven Strategy - Confronting the Brutal Facts - Lessons from Good to Great 2014
    • Background Reading on Co-Creation: This article should be read for background
      • Co-Creating Strategic Risk-Return Management - Strategic Finance 2009
    • Background Reading on the Balanced Scorecard and Strategy Maps: These articles should be read for the pre-class quiz
      • Balanced Scorecard and Strategy Maps - A Primer for Management Teams
      • The Balanced Scorecard - 20 Years and Counting - Strategic Finance 2012
      • Using Strategy Maps for Competitor Analysis - 2010
    • Background Readings on Strategic Risk Management at the LEGO Group: These articles should be read for background
      • Strategic Risk Management at the LEGO Group - Strategic Finance - 2012
      • Chapter 6 - Strategic Risk Management at the LEGO Group - Integrating Strategy and Risk Management - 2014
    • Background Readings on Innovation Strategy: These articles should be read for background
      • How CFOs Can Drive Innovation - Strategic Finance 2009
      • How Enterprises Can Create New Value - Strategic Finance 2010
      • Reverse Innovation - A New Pathway for Growth - Strategic Finance 2013
    • Background Readings on Tenet 1 Ethically Maximize Wealth These articles should be read before our Day 1 session
      The following articles provide background for understanding the concept “maximize wealth” in Tenet one of the Return Driven Strategy framework which focuses on maximizing long term wealth creation.
      • Madden, Bartley, “Shareholder Value Reviews” Strategic Finance (September 2008)
      • Frigo, Mark L. “Performance Measures That Drive the First Tenet of Strategy” Strategic Finance (September 2003)
      • Madden, Bartley, “Shareholder Value Reviews” Journal of Applied Finance (Fall-Winter 2007)
  • Valens Performance Analysis Reports for Apple, MSFT and Nike
  • Secure Login information for course videos that includes: These videos will be used during our course for reference
    • “An Introduction to Return Driven Strategy” (20:02) - This video provides an overview of the Return Driven Strategy framework, which is the foundation for understanding the strategic risks of an organization. It will reinforce your knowledge from reading the book DRIVEN: Business Strategy, Human Action and the Creation of Wealth.
    • “Integrated Strategic Analysis” (44:02) - This video provides an overview of the Integrated Strategic Analysis Framework which integrates the top strategy frameworks. This framework will be used to analyze the strategy of a company using strategic lens including: Return Driven Strategy, Competitive Life Cycle Analysis, Blue Ocean Strategy, Value Co-Creation, Good to Great, Strategy Maps, Credit Suisse HOLT, Reverse Innovation and Creating Shared Value.
    • “Return Driven Strategy and Co-Creation” - Dr. Mark Frigo and Dr. Venkat Ramaswamy (46:36) - This video presents a discussion about two leading strategy paradigms and how they are related.  Dr. Mark Frigo (DePaul Kellstadt Graduate School of Business) and Dr. Venkat Ramaswamy (University of Michigan Ross School of Business) discuss how Co-Creation and Return Driven Strategy can be integrated to help companies create more value while managing strategic risks.
    • “Integrating Strategy and Risk Management: Developing a Resilient Organization” - Opening Keynote 2014 RIMS Risk Summit Chicago - Dr. Mark L. Frig (20:11) - This video describes how companies can link strategy and risk management to create a more resilient organization.  It is based on leading practices in Strategic Risk Management.
    • “Return Driven Strategy: Lessons from Good to Great” - Dr. Mark L. Frigo (15:49) - This presentation discusses the relationship between Return Driven Strategy (Frigo and Litman, DRIVEN:  Business Strategy, Human Actions and the Creation of Wealth) and Good to Great principles (Jim Collins, Good to Great).
    • “Leadership Driven Strategy: Applying Great Business Strategy to Teams and Leaders” - Dr. Mark L. Frigo (15:47) - This presentation discusses how to apply great business strategy to teams and individual leaders within an organization.
    • “Return Driven Strategy and Managements Core Responsibilities” - Dr. Mark L. Frigo (10:50) - This presentation discusses the relationship between Return Driven Strategy (Frigo and Litman) and Management's Core Responsibilities (Madden)
  • GSB 599 Pre-Class Quiz 1 - Return Driven Strategy - This quiz is open book for the readings in this course.
    After reading through the book DRIVEN: Business Strategy, Human Actions and the Creation of Wealth and the following:
    • Background Readings on the Return Driven Strategy framework and viewing the video “Introduction to Return Driven Strategy” please complete the following Diagnostic Quiz (which is untimed and will be graded):
      • Return Driven - Lessons from High Performance Companies - Strategic Finance 2008
      • When Strategy and Valuation Meet - Strategic Finance 2004
      • Return Driven Strategy - Confronting the Brutal Facts - Lessons from Good to Great 2014
      • “An Introduction to Return Driven Strategy” (20:02) - This video provides an overview of the Return Driven Strategy framework, which is the foundation for understanding the strategic risks of an organization. It will reinforce your knowledge from reading the book DRIVEN: Business Strategy, Human Action and the Creation of Wealth.
  • GSB 599 Pre-Class Quiz 2 - Integrated Strategic Analysis - This quiz is based on the instructional video “Integrated Strategic Analysis” (44:02)

The GSB 599 Pre-Class Quizzes are available at using the Login from ISV
The Quizzes are open time and will be graded and completed by the deadline in the syllabus of the course.

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