Full Database
Our full database gives investors the opportunity to see our complete database with companies from around the globe. In total, there are more than 25,000 companies, each one powered by Uniform Accounting to unlock greater insights into both equities and credits.
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Full Database & Newsletters Bundle
This bundle allows investors to read all of Valens Research’s content. Get access to the full database while also receiving all our weekly, monthly, and quarterly reports on equities and credits.
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Continental Databases
Our continental databases allow investors to see information on internationally listed companies. We offer three different geographies: Asia, Europe, and Africa & Latin America. Each one has the same capabilities as the US & Canada database.
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US & Canada Database
Get access to our database of all US and Canadian listed companies, each with manual adjustments to uncover more accurate data. Also included is screening capabilities, Performance and Valuation Primetm, custom DCF capability, Credit Cash Flow Primetm analysis, and more.
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US/CAN Database & Newsletters Bundle
This bundle gives investors everything they need for domestic companies. Get access to our US & Canada database while also receiving all our weekly, monthly, and quarterly reports on US equities and credits.
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