Attend this no holds barred session on the pros and cons of management consulting as a foundation for your career.
Learn about accelerated internships and available full-time positions in 2021, beginning as early as January.
Professor Litman is here in Istanbul setting up a management consulting division for a US-based consulting conglomerate. Hear about the strategy for the division, the talent needed, and the hiring process for consulting positions here in Istanbul.
Main topics you will learn about in the session:
- Return Driven Strategy: What great companies do. What the consulting firms of the future must do. What bad consultants forget.
- The framework and for the most advanced internship and associate training along with a real insider-only view of careers in consulting, executive management, investment analysis, or banking
- The pros and the significant cons of working with McKinsey and the other major consulting houses
- The powerful linkage between management consulting, shareholder value, and the capital markets that most consultants completely miss
As participants, you will learn about the tools of great management consulting that may have passed you by in your studies or your experience to date.
We will share insights of some of the greatest tools of value creation, connected to some of the greatest investors in the world, who are most adept in analyzing and identifying the greatest companies.
9 of the top 10 and 230+ of the top 300 largest investment managers in the world are consumers of Valens Research equity, credit, and macro analysis. No other consulting firm in the world can make that statement.
Right now, we have a need for ten to twenty hard-charging, best-of-their batch consulting interns and full-time associates (upon April/May graduation) to help us build the foundation for the Istanbul operation.
We need people who can perform highly and move up as fast their ability allows with incredible opportunities for advancement.
We’re looking for people who want to work for a firm that cares about its community and the well-being of its people and its clients.
Borrowing from investment legend Warren Buffett, we are hiring for “integrity, intelligence, and motivation.”
We hope you can tune in for this special online session.
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