“As long as you experience yourself as a limited entity, you are bound to feel threatened.” – Sadhguru
“It takes inspiration and activity to the point of insanity to create something truly worthwhile for everyone.” – Sadhguru
“Do what really matters to you in life. Whatever it is, it should be worthy of you.” – Sadhguru
“If not every day, at least once a month, take stock–are you transforming into a better human?” – Sadhguru
“Enlightenment happens quietly, like the blossoming of a flower.” – Sadhguru
“If you like or dislike something, you cannot see it the way it is. Either you exaggerate it in a positive way or in a negative way.” – Sadhguru
“The purpose of existence is to exist. It is too enormous, intricate, and fantastic to need any other purpose.” – Sadhguru
“Youth should move smoothly through the world. Their immense energy and potential should not be wasted in friction.” – Sadhguru
“This is the age of expression without perception. To know life, you need perception.” – Sadhguru
“The beauty of spring is, the fruit is yet to come, but the flower is a promise and a possibility.” – Sadhguru
“Engineering the outside world can create comfort and convenience. Only engineering your interiority can create well-being.” – Sadhguru
“Life is a far larger phenomenon than thought.” – Sadhguru
“That which binds you in life can also free you. The door that imprisons you is also the door to liberation.” – Sadhguru
“Our concept of education has to go beyond manufacturing cogs for the economic engine.” – Sadhguru
“The longing to experience something more is inherent in humans. Unless we bring forth a spiritual process, drugs will be ubiquitous.” – Sadhguru
“You can create a million lies, but there is only one truth.” – Sadhguru
“There is only one way to put mystical experiences into words, and that is poetry.” – Sadhguru
“In turning inward, life opens up dimensions and possibilities unknown.” – Sadhguru
“Heaven and Hell are not physical locations. You create them within yourself.” – Sadhguru
“No matter what kind of intellect you have, it is never enough to grasp the nature of existence.” – Sadhguru