UAFRS Database and App Access

Our database of 25,000+ companies has Uniform Accounting manual adjustments to uncover more economically accurate, and comparable corporate performance. Investors can make better investment decisions with better data and better tools.

Subscriptions include access to equity and credit idea screening capabilities, Performance and Valuation Prime™ analysis of every covered company, along with detailed margins and asset turnover analysis, custom DCF capability, and Credit Cash Flow Prime™ snapshots for due diligence across the capital structure.

Subscription Benefits

  • Screening Tools

    Use UAFRS metrics to screen for potential investment opportunities and companies with mispriced valuations and trends in fundamentals.
  • Performance & Valuation Prime Chart

    Understand the drivers of cash flows, and the resulting valuations. Includes Embedded Expectation tool that allows investors to determine when markets might be overly bullish or bearish.
  • Sales, Margins, & Turns Analysis

    Investigate the drivers of ROA’ and Asset’ Growth, and where a top-level analysis might not be telling the whole story.
  • Valuation Scatter & Matrix

    Determine where the market is valuing a company relative to peers of similar profitability, and what changes in cash flows can mean for target prices.
  • Credit Cash Flow Prime Analysis

    Due diligence across the capital structure. The CCFP allows investors to look at a company’s cash flows relative to obligations over the next several years. Identify credit risks before investing, and as importantly, identify when the market thinks there is credit risk, but those fears are overblown.
  • Custom DCF Modelling & More

    Other tools including custom DCF modelling, as well as all credit and equity reports written by Valens Research.

You don’t have access to the Valens Research Premium Application.

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