Dynamic Marketing Communiqué

“I don’t just need your brand, I want it!” — Write convincing copies with the help of these tips! [Tuesdays: “Write with the Pen of the Masters”]

October 27, 2020

“I have to prioritize other things above this right now.”

I don’t really need this.”

I don’t think your prices are reasonable.”

As a business owner or marketer, these are just some of the things you would hear from prospects who are not yet ready to convert and become one of your brand’s customers.

The truth is, you cannot really control how your target market would respond to your offers; you cannot force them to avail your products or services either.

As you continue to offer your products or solutions to your target market, there will always be sales objections (or excuses your target market will make to not avail the solution you’re offering them), especially from those who’ve just encountered your brand for the first time.

How will you “stomp down” on these sales objections and convince your target market that your product is beneficial to them?


This is according to Joanna Wiebe’s CopyHackers Book 1 titled, “Where Stellar Messages Come From.”

As stated by Wiebe, prevention takes place OUTSIDE of your brand’s website, usually in your marketing and PR (public relations).

You can prevent sales objections about your brand by being the first to steer online conversations in a positive manner.

As a business owner, marketer, or copywriter for a certain brand, you need to own the messages circulating among your target market.

You have to be the one initiating the conversations so you can manage how you present the solutions you are offering.

To preempt your prospects’ sales objections, there are two things you need to do in your copy:

  1. Make your prospects see the value of your offering.
  2. Explain how your offering solves one of the problems that your prospects are experiencing.

If you’re going to preempt sales objections on your brand’s website, you can do it directly or indirectly.

Preempting Objections Directly 

This is where you specifically pinpoint a sales objection and openly address it in your copy. 

One of the best places to address these objections is on the FAQs (frequently asked questions) page on your website. 

However, there are some objections that cannot be easily resolved on the FAQs page such as, “I don’t want to be sold to.” Objections like that deserve either a full page for you to address them or put them on the highest-traffic pages on your website. 

Here is an example provided by Wiebe in her CopyHackers book. It came from spam filter RemoteAntiSpam.com’s website in 2011: 

Since RemoteAntiSpam knew that a “pushy” salesperson can sometimes push prospects further away from a brand, it made a preemptive step on its website so online visitors wouldn’t assume this is what they’d expect. 

Preempting Objections Indirectly 

Another way to preempt a sales objection is to not just address it outright, but to follow the mantra: Show, don’t tell. 

One of the sales objections that businesses encounter is “Your company doesn’t have the capability or credibility.”

Here’s what FingerPrintPlay.com, an online streaming website for children, did to indirectly preempt that sales objection:

By dedicating a website page for its management team’s “impressive” profiles, FingerPrint Play was implicitly showing its website visitors that it is “capable and credible” because of its leaders and managers’ experiences in the industry. 

Another way to address sales objections is through response, whether via customer service, phone calls, direct messages, or joining in on online conversations about your brand.

By responding in a positive manner to your target market’s concerns, you’re helping them overcome their objections about your brand.

Customer service or immediately addressing clients’ concerns is one of the most important aspects of a brand. Your consumers need to know that they are taken cared of and listened to every time they need your attention. From addressing issues down to simple questions about your service or product, they need to know you’re there to help and that you’re happy to do so.

There are also times when a sales objection is not easily addressed. For example, if convincing your target market that they need your product or service doesn’t do the trick anymore, you might want to try a different strategy to address that issue.

Remind yourself that not everything people buy is based on their needs; sometimes, they buy based on wants, availability, and an “emotional pull” to a certain product as well.

If your old marketing and copywriting tactics do not impress your target market as effectively as before, it’s time to tweak things up a little bit.


Also known as “assurances,” reasons to believe are the often delightful promises that you give your customers.

These things help you convince your prospects to choose your brand―or even give your offering a shot through a trial.

Here are a few examples of reasons to believe that you can incorporate in your copies or on your website:

  • Money-Back Guarantee
  • Lowest Price Guarantee
  • Free Shipping
  • 24/7 Customer Service
  • The Only Licensed Retailer of “X” brand or product

Reasons to believe on websites usually appear near the call-to-action (CTA) buttons in order to give online visitors the “extra push” that they need to make a transaction or convert into a brand’s customer.

Here’s how Cloud Business invoicing software Invoicera.com used its reasons to believe on its website’s Plans and Pricing page:

Just like Invoicera, you can further enhance your reasons to believe with the help of strong visual designs. That way, it’ll be more noticeable and appealing to your online visitors’ eyes.

Give your target market reasons to CHOOSE your brand by applying some of these tips in your copy!

For best results, make your “assurances” as true and tangible as possible.

About The Dynamic Marketing Communiqué’s
“Tuesdays: Write with the Pen of the Masters”

Who doesn’t find content writing to be a skill that requires a lot of practice and effort?

In fact, many people may even find copywriting very intimidating.

However, you can be a good writer as long as you have the right tools. You won’t always get things right the first time, but with enough time and practice, you’ll get the hang of it!

When you write a copy for any brand or for your company, your aim is to make an impact and…

…to get people to remember.

Getting people to remember means getting consumers to buy your product or to avail of your service.

And when you get your content to deliver the results you want, THAT is a great copy!

Every Tuesday, we publish content based on tips and insights from the masters of content writing, copywriting, and storytelling.

Become more familiar with ways to write great copy that helps you gain ROI from your efforts, drive profitability, and achieve your business goals.

Learn time-tested tactics that better capture the attention of your target audience, and maximize the benefits of great copywriting.

Hope you found this week’s insights interesting and helpful.

Stay tuned for next Tuesday’s “Write with the Pen of the Masters!”


Kyle Yu
Head of Marketing
Valens Dynamic Marketing Capabilities
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