Lather, rinse, repeat! Create powerful copy that’s sure to attract tons of people [Tuesdays: “Write with the Pen of the Masters”]
Catchy, snappy, and simple.
These are elements that can separate a great copy from the rest.
Great copies always sell, and at times, can even influence our lifestyle.
One famous line got stuck in the minds of many, becoming one of the most popular lines in the history of marketing…
“Lather, rinse, repeat.”
Clear and precise. It just gave you instructions on what you need to do and automatically associates it with the product you need it for.
This simple yet memorable line has been present on the packaging of numerous shampoo products for decades.
While the origin of the famous line is obscure at best, it was popularly used in Benjamin Sheever’s fiction novel, The Plagiarist. In the story, the ad executive that used this line effectively doubled the sales of a shampoo brand just by adding the word “repeat” after “lather and rinse” on the label.
While the effectiveness of lather, rinse, repeat itself has been disputed, it heavily influenced so many consumers for so many years!
It served as instructions and a marketing ploy for different shampoo brands.
THE CALL-TO-ACTION: Lather, rinse, and do it again. More than once. Consumers are encouraged to use more shampoo than usual so they buy more in the process.
RESULT: More sales!
While it’s not a tagline or trademark attached to any brand, it was copy that helped sell a lot of products.
Creating one-liners can be very challenging. It’s not as simple as many think it would be.
You want a line that captures the spirit of your brand and what it offers.
Once you create the perfect one, you’re all set for the next steps of your marketing and promotions!
Here are some notable examples of brands using short and powerful copies:
OREO: “Twist, Lick, Dunk”
One catchy tagline similar to “Lather, Rinse and Repeat” is what Oreo has used for years. This line tells people the best way to enjoy an Oreo cookie. Twist the cookie to separate it, lick the filling, and dip it in milk. They created a unique and yummy cookie-eating experience!
NIKE: “Just do it”
Arguably one of the most iconic taglines in the industry, Nike’s “Just do it” encourages people to go the extra mile to achieve their goals through strong determination and perseverance. This helped them become one of the top sports brands in the market and memorable all over the world.
M&M’s: “Melts in Your Mouth, Not in Your Hands”
M&M’s highlights what makes their chocolate different from others. Simple: chocolate that doesn’t melt in your hands!
Create a memorable tagline that shows a way for consumers to experience your product, or create a powerful message that sums up your entire brand image!
It can be a long process to create that single impactful line, but once you get it, you have the potential to take your brand to the next level!
About The Dynamic Marketing Communiqué’s
“Tuesdays: Write with the Pen of the Masters”
Who doesn’t find content writing to be a skill that requires a lot of practice and effort?
In fact, many people may even find copywriting very intimidating.
However, you can be a good writer as long as you have the right tools. You won’t always get things right the first time, but with enough time and practice, you’ll get the hang of it!
When you write a copy for any brand or for your company, your aim is to make an impact and…
…to get people to remember.
Getting people to remember means getting consumers to buy your product or to avail of your service.
And when you get your content to deliver the results you want, THAT is a great copy!
Every Tuesday, we publish content based on tips and insights from the masters of content writing, copywriting, and storytelling.
Become more familiar with ways to write great copy that helps you gain ROI from your efforts, drive profitability, and achieve your business goals.
Learn time-tested tactics that better capture the attention of your target audience, and maximize the benefits of great copywriting.
Hope you found this week’s insights interesting and helpful.
Stay tuned for next Tuesday’s “Write with the Pen of the Masters!”
Kyle Yu
Head of Marketing
Valens Dynamic Marketing Capabilities
Powered by Valens Research
This content is used with permission from The I Institute and The Business Builder Daily.
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