Dynamic Marketing Communiqué

This CMO is on “Marketing CLOUD Nine!” Check out this marketer’s contributions in the computer software industry! [Monday: Marketing Marvels]

January 17, 2022

Miles Everson’s Business Builder Daily speaks to the heart of what great marketers, business leaders, and other professionals need to succeed in advertising, communications, managing their investments, career strategy, and more. 

A Note from Miles Everson:

Every Monday, I feature an outstanding marketer in the hope that you’ll be inspired with their experiences and insights in their respective fields.  

I do this because I believe we have a lot to learn from the things these human “Marketing Marvels” are doing right and even in the things they’re doing―or did―wrong. 

Today, I’d like to highlight someone who has great experience and contributions as chief marketing officer (CMO) of one of the largest and most diversified computer software companies in the world. 

I’m talking about the CMO of Adobe Inc.―Ann Lewnes.  

Continue reading below to know more about Lewnes contributions in the field and how she helps Adobe rise to the top through her leadership skills.  

Miles Everson
CEO, MBO Partners
Chairman of the Advisory Board, The I Institute

Marketing Marvels 



Premiere Pro. 


These are just some of the software of Adobe Inc., an American multinational computer software company. 

Adobe is well known for products and services that help people manage their digital content and improve their digital experience. As of 2021, the company is one of the largest and most diversified companies in the computer software industry. 

How did Adobe achieve this feat? 

Part of that is through the help of its Chief Marketing Officer (CMO):

Ann Lewnes

Prior to Adobe, Lewnes worked as semiconductor company Intel’s Vice President of Marketing for 20 years. During her time at the company, she built global demand for the Intel brand and supervised the iconic “Intel Inside” program. 

Lewnes also received various awards and recognition for her skills as a marketer. These include: 

  • Being elected into The American Advertising Foundation’s Hall of Achievement in 2000
  • Receiving the Advertising Women of New York’s “Changing the Game Award” in 2010
  • Being listed as one of the most innovative CMOs by Business Insider in 2018
  • Being inducted into the American Marketing Association’s Hall of Fame in 2019
  • Being named as one of the most influential CMOs by Forbes in 2020
  • Receiving the New York Women in Communications’ Matrix Award in 2020

Let’s focus on her career at Adobe… 

Lewnes has held the position as Adobe’s CMO for 15 years now. Under her leadership, the Adobe brand has become synonymous with creativity, digital marketing, and transformative digital experiences. 

She was one of the pioneers of the company’s shift to digital―deploying advanced digital marketing technology, establishing an insight-driven culture, and setting the tone for marketing’s impact on the business. 

Let’s take a look at one of the digital marketing software Adobe developed under Lewnes’ leadership: 

The Adobe Marketing Cloud

The Marketing Cloud provides individuals and companies with the necessary tools to promote their brands and produce better digital content. The software also offers real-time data analytics, segmentation, and visualization. 

These features give business owners and marketers immediate insight into a marketing campaign’s success! 

What else does the Adobe Marketing Cloud do? 

It provides businesses with a clear view of customer activity across various digital platforms. This serves as business owners and marketers’ quick tool to measure engagement and identify the kind of content customers are looking for. 

Simply said, almost everything you need to improve your brand’s customer experience is in the Adobe Marketing Cloud. No wonder a lot of businesses use it! 

At present, the software has over 30.4 trillion transactions a year with thousands of brands in the travel, hospitality, retail, media, and telecommunications industries. 

This is just one of the things the company developed under Lewnes’ management. Her other contributions as CMO include work on the company’s positioning, brand strategy, marketing campaigns, customer insights, communications, and Corporate Social Responsibility efforts. 


According to Lewnes, her passion for creativity and media are what inspires her to do her best as Adobe’s CMO. 

… and as a firm believer that everyone has a story to tell, she uses her marketing platform to empower diverse content creators from all over the world and make sure they benefit from Adobe’s products and services. 

All recognition and respect for Lewnes! 

Through her leadership as CMO, she is able to bring Adobe to greater heights and set a good example for other business leaders and marketers to follow. 

We hope you find Lewnes’ marketing insights and experiences helpful in your own career! 

(This article is from The Business Builder Daily, a newsletter by The I Institute in collaboration with MBO Partners.) 

About The Dynamic Marketing Communiqué’s
“Monday Marketing Marvels”

Too often, industry experts and the marketing press sing the praises of some brand or company’s marketing strategy. 

… only for the audience to later find out that its product was a flop, or worse, that the brand or company went bankrupt.

The true ROI in marketing can’t be separated from the business as a whole. 

What good is a marketing case study if one can’t prove that the company’s efforts actually paid off?

At the end of the day, either the entire business is successful or it isn’t. And the roles of marketing and communication are always paramount to that success. 

Every Monday, we publish a case study that highlights the world’s greatest marketing strategies, marketers, and communicators. 

However, the difference between our articles and the numerous ones out there is that we will always make certain that the firm really did generate and demonstrate earning power worthy of study in the first place (compliments of Valens Research’s finance group) in keeping with a person’s leadership skills in the area of marketing and/or communication.

We’ll also study the greatest marketing fails and analyze what they did wrong, or what they needed to improve. We all make our mistakes, but better we learn from others’ mistakes—and earlier, rather than later.

Hope you found this week’s marketing marvel interesting and helpful. 

Stay tuned for next week’s Monday Marketing Marvels!


Kyle Yu
Head of Marketing
Valens Dynamic Marketing Capabilities
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