Dynamic Marketing Communiqué

Unlocking the Power of Webinars: Delve into this leading expert’s insights on effective online marketing! [Monday: Marketing Marvels]

December 11, 2023

Miles Everson’s The Business Builder speaks to the heart of what great marketers, business leaders, and other professionals need to succeed in advertising, communications, managing their investments, career strategy, and more. 

A Note from Miles Everson:

Hi everyone!

We hope you had a nice weekend.

Join us as we dive into the world of digital marketing with a special focus on people who are true experts in the field. In these articles, we learn more about their stories and marketing wisdom.

Today, let’s shine the spotlight on someone whose digital marketing strategies have made a real impact in the business world.

Keep reading to discover more about her journey and insights.

Miles Everson
CEO, MBO Partners
Chairman of the Advisory Board, The I Institute

Marketing Marvels 

In the dynamic realm of digital marketing, an evolution has quietly unfolded, reshaping the way businesses elevate their online presence and engage with their audiences. 

This evolution didn’t come from a conventional marketing agency or a well-established corporation. Instead, it emerged from the ingenuity of visionaries who saw the potential in a seemingly simple yet profoundly effective tool: Webinars.

In fact, one of these visionaries placed emphasis on webinars as an essential tool to expand a customer base. Through the program, “Webinars That Convert,” this person has unlocked a secret to generating leads, building email lists, and catapulting sales figures for businesses across the spectrum. 

Who is this behind-the-scenes genius?

She’s none other than… 

Amy Porterfield!

Photo from: Kajabi

Porterfield is an entrepreneur, educator, online marketing strategist, and host of the highly-ranked podcast, “Online Marketing Made Easy.” She earned her Bachelor’s degree at The University of California, Santa Barbara, and started working in the field of content development right after.  

In 2009, Porterfield left her role as the Director of Content Development at Anthony Robbins Companies. She transitioned to social media consulting but soon pivoted to create her online course for business owners.

Today, Porterfield has earned a well-deserved reputation as one of the online marketing industry’s most influential figures. Her business has gained USD 82 million in revenue, more than 50,000 students in her online courses, and at least 1 million downloads for her “Online Marketing Made Easy” podcast. 

Porterfield’s success is underpinned by her authenticity. She doesn’t rely on gimmicks or tricks to engage her audience but builds genuine connections. Her ability to connect with her audience on a personal level creates trust, which is a cornerstone of her success. This approach may require more work, but she believes it is necessary to get outstanding results. In her own words:

“You can’t play it safe and you can’t just work on the stuff that makes you feel confident, accomplished, and smart. In order to create amazing shifts and transformations for your clients and customers, you’ve got to dig in and work on the stuff that is important, but might not come easy to you at all times.”

One of Porterfield’s digital marketing legacy is her transformative program, “Webinars That Convert.” This program has not only changed the game in terms of how webinars are utilized as a marketing tool but has also offered valuable insights for businesses striving to build authentic connections with their audiences.

Let’s explore what we can learn from Porterfield’s insights in this program: 

1. Craft Compelling Webinar Content

The content of a webinar is paramount. It must be engaging, informative, and resonate with an audience’s pain points and desires. Achieving this requires a deep understanding of your target market. You first have to identify their needs so you can create valuable content and keep them engaged throughout the presentation.

2. Engage Effectively with Your Audience

Active engagement during a webinar is a key to success. It’s not a one-sided conversation; it’s an interactive experience. So, encourage audience participation through polls, Q&A sessions, and chat interactions. Make your audience feel heard and valued, and they’ll be more likely to convert into your loyal customers or fans.

3. Converting Leads into Loyal Customers

One of the goals of a webinar is conversion. Whether it’s signing up for a newsletter, purchasing a product, or taking another desired action, your webinar should guide your audience toward that conversion point. Implement effective call-to-action strategies during and after the webinar. Provide clear next steps for your audience so it’s easy for them to take action.

4. Build Trust and Authority

Trust is a currency in the digital age. Share your expertise, experiences, and the benefits your customers will get from your services or products. Use case studies, testimonials, and storytelling to convey authority and authenticity.

5. The Power of Evergreen Webinars

Not all webinars have to be live. Evergreen webinars, those pre-recorded and available on-demand, can be just as effective in converting leads. The key here is to discuss topics that are relevant and valuable for your listeners or viewers. Then, automate the process to reach a wider audience while saving time.

6. The Follow-Up Game

A significant part of webinar success happens after the live event. Effective follow-up strategies can greatly impact conversions. Develop a comprehensive follow-up plan that includes email sequences, personalized messages, and additional value offerings. Nurture the leads generated during the webinar to transform them into loyal customers.

From content creation to effective conversion of audiences to customers, Porterfield’s insights offer a comprehensive guide to making webinars a cornerstone of your marketing strategy.

With the right approach, you can engage with your audience effectively. So, don’t hesitate to put these strategies into action! Embrace webinars as a powerful marketing tool, engage with your audience authentically, and watch your digital marketing efforts reach new heights. 

Your audience is waiting!

(This article is from The Business Builder Daily, a newsletter by The I Institute in collaboration with MBO Partners.) 

About The Dynamic Marketing Communiqué’s
“Mondays: Marketing Marvels”

Too often, industry experts and the marketing press sing the praises of some brand or company’s marketing strategy. 

… only for the audience to later find out that its product was a flop, or worse, that the brand or company went bankrupt.

The true ROI in marketing can’t be separated from the business as a whole. 

What good is a marketing case study if one can’t prove that the company’s efforts actually paid off?

At the end of the day, either the entire business is successful or it isn’t. And the roles of marketing and communication are always paramount to that success. 

Every Monday, we publish a case study that highlights the world’s greatest marketing strategies, marketers, and communicators. 

However, the difference between our articles and the numerous ones out there is that we will always make certain that the firm really did generate and demonstrate earning power worthy of study in the first place (compliments of Valens Research’s finance group) in keeping with a person’s leadership skills in the area of marketing and/or communication.

We’ll also study the greatest marketing fails and analyze what they did wrong, or what they needed to improve. We all make our mistakes, but better we learn from others’ mistakes—and earlier, rather than later.

Hope you found this week’s marketing marvel interesting and helpful. 

Stay tuned for next Monday’s “Marketing Marvels!”


Kyle Yu 
Head of Marketing 
Valens Dynamic Marketing Capabilities 
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