Find out how this punchy and short-form ad lets your target market DISCOVER more about your brand’s story! [Thursdays: FYO!]
Depop is a mobile app and social marketplace that allows users to sell, buy, and discover various fashionable clothes and accessories.
In 2019, the brand was looking for partners who could help expand its reach in the US and UK and acquire more users between the ages of 18 and 25.
One of these partners?
Depop availed the social media platform’s ad features to reach a young generation of consumers who are most likely to download the brand’s app and check out its offerings.
What exactly did Depop do to get the attention of Snapchatters (Snapchat users)?
Aside from using the social media platform’s Single Image or Video Ads, the brand maximized the power of another ad format: Story Ads.
Story Ads allow business owners and marketers like you to reach your target market through a branded or sponsored tile (a small square that contains a headline and an image with an embedded link or URL) in Snapchat’s Discover page.
This ad format is one of the best ways to tell a deeper story on mobile!
With one tap on the branded or sponsored tile, Snapchatters can jump into a collection of 3 to 20 Snaps and know more about your brand’s fashion collection, movie releases, suite of products, etc.
… and when you include an attachment in your Story Ad, you encourage more interaction with your target market. They can swipe up to watch a trailer, install an app, or buy a product.
Here are some things to consider when creating your own Story Ads on Snapchat:
A tile is a Snapchatter’s first interaction with your brand in the Discover page. Therefore, you have to make your branded tile work for you!
You may do this by featuring a product or an image that ties appropriately with your tile headline.
Draw Snapchatters into your ads by creating a curiosity gap! How?
By creating a captivating headline and giving viewers a sneak peek of your brand’s offerings! Tease out what your target market will learn from your ads or how they will benefit from tapping into your story.
Showcase your brand’s products or services with 3 to 20 Snaps and if appropriate, include attachments because these help further engagements with your target market and achieve your marketing objectives, like increasing sales or website traffic.
You may also drive engagement to your Story Ads by using shareable formats. Who knows? Snapchatters who find your ads compelling might share your story using their own accounts. This will enable you to reach more potential customers!
Let’s go back to Depop’s Snapchat marketing strategy…
By using both Single Image Ads and Story Ads, the brand drove app installs from its core demographic in the US, UK, and even in Australia!
The ads showcased Depop’s trendy clothing and accessories. When viewers swiped up, the ads directed them to a website where they could install the brand’s app.
Once users downloaded the app on their phones, they could proceed with checking out the brand’s fashionable offerings!
Through Single Image Ads and Story Ads, Depop successfully targeted “Snap Installers” and acquired new customers.
The brand also saw a deep level of engagement that was unique to Snapchat’s Story Ads, increasing its LTV (lifetime value) by 91% in the US and 48% in the UK during the first quarter of 2019.
[Lifetime Value: A prediction of the net profit attributed to an ongoing or future relationship with a customer.]
With the marketing success it saw on Snapchat, Depop shifted its budget allocation and grew its ad spend on the social media platform by 50%. Additionally, the brand started using tools like Audience Insights and Snap Pixel to retarget users who are most likely to convert into customers.
Are you also looking for ways to draw the attention of younger consumers to your brand?
Try advertising on Snapchat through Story Ads and create a narrative users will want to watch and interact with!
You may use this type of ad to tell a deeper story about your business, raise awareness about your brand, boost your engagement rates, or encourage your target market to install your app.
By using this ad format to showcase your brand’s products and services…
You’ll see how Snapchat will help you reach more customers through ads that are built for sound-on, short-form, punchy, and incredible engagement!
About The Dynamic Marketing Communiqué’s
“Thursdays: FYO! Find You Optimization”
Why should you stop thinking SEO and start thinking FYO?
We’re not saying that you should abandon Search Engine Optimization (SEO).
Don’t get us wrong, of course, we know this is something very important, especially in today’s digital marketing age.
The internet landscape is vast, and a world of its own. You really need to distinguish yourself and make your brand/company/website known and easily searchable.
Better yet, get to the top of page one for Top Results on Google or any other search engine.
However, what is the purpose of SEO? It’s that customers Find You!
That’s what matters. So, while SEO is one factor of FYO… it really is only one, and we ought not to abandon all the myriad of ways digitally and offline for improving your FYO.
How can we look at this from a different and better perspective?
Let’s say you have it in the bag! You and your team are experts in SEO. Awesome. But did you ever wonder what else you could do to push it further and give your SEO skills a boost?
FYO! Find You Optimization!
You need your target audience to FIND YOU—your brand, product, service, or offer. This is SEO plus other tools that increase visibility online (and offline).
Every Thursday, we publish content on how you can get your target market to find you, beyond the typical “type and search.” There are other things you can do along with your SEO to give your online advertising process a boost.
Try considering other tactics beyond it—WOMO (Word Of Mouth Optimization), RO (Referral Optimization), and “All-Other-Means-Of-Getting-Your-Target-Market-To-Find-You” Optimization (AOMOGYTMTFY, if you’d like a long acronym).
Part of a great marketing strategy is knowing how to adapt new methods and make use of different types of marketing and promotion that best fit your business goals and which give you the results you want.
Hope you’ve found this week’s insights interesting and helpful.
Stay tuned for next Thursday’s FYO!
Kyle Yu
Head of Marketing
Valens Dynamic Marketing Capabilities
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