LIKE and SHARE! How a Facebook post can create a major impact on your business goals [Every Thursday: FYO!]
It’s undeniable that in this digital age, social media has played a huge part in the success of a lot of businesses.
Social media is used as one of the main tools for marketing to reach a bigger audience.
A lot of people are often online searching for different things and looking at their social media accounts during their free time.
Knowing this, different brands and businesses have found that it’s important to have presence on social media.
According to, as of May 18, 2020:
- The total number of the active social media population is 3.81 billion worldwide.
- The total number of the active mobile social media population is 3.76 billion worldwide.
- The most popular social network based on the global audience size is FACEBOOK.
No wonder…
Facebook has been a great venue for people to connect and for brands to engage with their target audience.
More importantly, it’s one of the best platforms for more people to FIND YOU and your brand online.
On Facebook, you can:
– Share daily activities and posts,
– Like and share information about current events,
– Create event pages and invite people,
– Communicate with other people,
– Create a business page, and a lot more!
You can do almost any kind of online marketing on Facebook.
A Facebook Page
It’s easy to create a page on Facebook. Any individual or company can have its own page.
Through their own Facebook page, businesses, brands, organizations, or influencers can connect and engage with customers or a target audience.
When users like or follow a page on Facebook, they will see updates and other posts from that page on their news feed as long as they’re subscribed to receive notifications.
With just a few clicks, you can publish content on Facebook to reach almost anyone online!
Pretty easy, right?
A Facebook Post
Simple, concise, and effective captions on a Facebook post is another important step you need to spend time on.
Page followers value posts that are useful and interesting to them.
In constructing captions for your page posts, think about what your followers would find beneficial.
What do they like?
What don’t they like?
What would grab their attention?
What would make them tune in?
Page owners and managers need to put a lot of thought and effort into what they post so they can effectively promote and market what they choose.
To give you an idea, here’s an example of one of our Facebook posts.
On the Valens Research Facebook page, we posted about an article our President and CEO, Prof. Joel Litman, wrote and published on on a very intriguing event that is bound to happen because of the impact of COVID-19.
Our team knew our page followers would find this very informative and interesting. It’s what they needed and wanted to know.
Target Audience: Professionals in the finance industry (investors, brokers, traders, financial advisors, corporations…)
Location of Target Audience: United States of America
This specific post also reflects the tips and guidelines from our past Thursday FYO articles on social media, brand mentions, and creating compelling headlines.
How did this create an impact for our brand?
On our Facebook page, this is one of the posts that gained the highest stats for the year so far.
This post recorded a 292% higher reach than the previous high for any post on the page.
Plainly speaking, this post alone has reached nearly 4x more people compared to previous posts.
There was traffic online for both our company website and the webpage containing the actual article.
It helped reach a total of 9,314 views for just that one article.
See how a Facebook post can help a brand or business gain more visibility online?
Help your target audience discover your brand and its content.
Imagine the impact it will have on your SEO rankings!
Try this week’s tip and you’re one step closer to building a bigger online presence.
About The Dynamic Marketing Communiqué’s
“Thursdays: FYO! Find You Optimization”
Why should you stop thinking SEO and start thinking FYO?
We’re not saying that you should abandon Search Engine Optimization (SEO).
Don’t get us wrong, of course, we know this is something very important, especially in today’s digital marketing age.
The internet landscape is vast, and a world of its own. You really need to distinguish yourself and make your brand/company/website known and easily searchable.
Better yet, get to the top of page one for Top Results on Google or any other search engine.
However, what is the purpose of SEO? It’s that customers Find You!
That’s what matters. So, while SEO is one factor of FYO… it really is only one, and we ought not to abandon all the myriad of ways digitally and offline for improving your FYO.
How can we look at this from a different and better perspective?
Let’s say you have it in the bag! You and your team are experts in SEO. Awesome. But did you ever wonder what else you could do to push it further and give your SEO skills a boost?
FYO! Find You Optimization!
You need your target audience to FIND YOU—your brand, product, service, or offer. This is SEO plus other tools that increase visibility online (and offline).
Every Thursday, we publish content on how you can get your target market to find you, beyond the typical “type and search.” There are other things you can do along with your SEO to give your online advertising process a boost.
Try considering other tactics beyond it—WOMO (Word Of Mouth Optimization), RO (Referral Optimization), and “All-Other-Means-Of-Getting-Your-Target-Market-To-Find-You” Optimization (AOMOGYTMTFY, if you’d like a long acronym).
Part of a great marketing strategy is knowing how to adapt new methods and make use of different types of marketing and promotion that best fit your business goals and which give you the results you want.
Hope you’ve found this week’s insights interesting and helpful.
Stay tuned for next Thursday’s FYO!
Kyle Yu
Head of Marketing
Valens Dynamic Marketing Capabilities
Powered by Valens Research
This content is used with permission from The I Institute and The Business Builder Daily.
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