Memes, hashtags, and current events? Start your own “BRANDwagon” by capitalizing on the best trends in town! [Thursdays: FYO!]
Popular tweets.
Synopsis of stories and headlines.
These are just a few of the types of content that you’ll find on Twitter’s Trending Topics page.
Twitter Trending Topics are based on the social media platform’s algorithm. Twitter finds out what a lot of online users are talking about to determine a popular topic.
… but do you know that Twitter Trending Topics are more than just popular posts and stories on the social media platform?
As a business owner or marketer, you may also use these kinds of content to market your brand!
Here are some ways you can do that:
- Figure out what’s popular in your brand’s niche.
Twitter’s trending topics give you insight into what’s going on in the world. They help you understand your target market’s interests so that you’ll be able to use an engaging tone in your tweets.
How can you and your brand hop in on the bandwagon?
Just click on the Search bar of the Twitter app then proceed to the “For You” section. There, you’ll find various topics that are relevant to your brand.
Aside from the “For You” section, you may also click on other tabs to explore other hot topics and figure out which conversations your brand can contribute to.
The more trending subjects that you find relevant to your brand, the more chances of reaching a lot of Twitter users!
- View related tweets to identify Twitter users’ opinions about a particular topic.
After getting an idea of what’s trending on Twitter, it’s time to dive deeper into how online users are reacting and feeling about a certain topic.
Oftentimes, trending topics reflect news or other stories that happen all over the world… and with these popular subjects come real-world tweets from online users.
As a business owner or marketer, why not use these tweets as means to hear from your target market?
This will help you establish a starting point on how you’ll interact with consumers online. Besides, checking related tweets about a particular topic might also be key to positioning your brand’s offerings as a solution to your customers’ pain points!
- Check out the Trending Topics page to see what’s constantly trending on Twitter.
Aside from allowing you to see what’s new, Twitter Trending Topics help you see what’s constantly trending on the social media platform and around the world.
As you make it a part of your habit to check the Trending Topics page regularly, you’ll start to get a feel of subjects that stay popular for a longer period of time and those that are only a “flash in the pan.”
The moment you see the same topic coming up frequently, grab a hold of it. Who knows? You might one day use that as part of your pillar content marketing strategy!
[Pillar Content: A type of content that provides complete answers to any question a consumer may be searching for on a given topic. This usually comes in the form of white papers, eBooks, blog posts, etc.]
- Identify and avoid downward trending topics.
Trending topics aren’t forever on Twitter. They change on a daily basis or after a few days, weeks, or months, depending on Twitter’s algorithm.
So, as a business owner or marketer, you also have to watch out for trends that are losing momentum. Ask yourself the question:
“By the time my content or ads roll out, is it still going to be a hot topic?”
While this query might be a bit difficult to answer because no one knows whether or not an issue will still be trending next week or next month, checking in on Twitter’s Trending Topics page will help you do the trick!
Stay away from topics with a downward momentum to avoid being out of date in marketing your brand. You may also cross-reference with Google Trends or other software to ensure you only hop in on the best trending topics in town!
- Find local trends in your brand’s vicinity.
If you have a locally-based or locally-driven brand, make sure you know how consumers in your vicinity are feeling about a specific topic online.
You’ll see local Twitter trends by interacting with local events and allowing the social media platform to access your location. You may also get specific by typing a topic or hashtag on the Search bar… or you may use the “Advanced Search” setting to look for tweets sent from a geographic location!
Additionally, it would be great if you could start conversations about certain subjects in your area. This will help you boost your engagement rates with your target market and position your brand in front of them!
- Create valuable, insightful, and appealing content.
When you’re not sure what to write about in your marketing copies, social media ads, posts, etc., turn to Twitter Trending Topics for inspiration!
There, you’ll be able to pick up tips based on what a lot of online users are talking about.
For example:
Are you familiar with the “Salt Bae” meme that was all the rage in 2017?
One look at the meme and the major stir it caused on social media was all it took for Nusret Gökçe, owner of Turkish steakhouse restaurant Nusr-Et, to join the trend.
One good thing about this tweet is that it wasn’t initially supposed to be a brand endorsement. It was simply a post from Gökçe to relate with what Twitter users were engaging with at that time.
Subsequently, his tweet garnered over 35,000 retweets and 51,000 likes 4 hours after posting, enabling Gökçe to insert his name and restaurant brand into the “Salt Bae” conversation!
Here’s another example of a brand that used one of Twitter’s trending topics effectively:
In 2019, the toy company joined the conversation about the trending hashtag, #RebuildTheWorld, and created a Twitter marketing campaign out of it.
#RebuildTheWorld was made as a platform for online users to creatively express themselves through the power of play.
… and what other brand would be more suitable to hop in on that bandwagon other than Lego?
Through its in-house creative agency, the brand followed Twitter’s “Tease, Reveal, and Reinforce” framework to strategically take over the social media platform using First View ads, Promoted Trend ads, and Promoted Trend Spotlight ads.
[“Tease, Reveal, and Reinforce” Framework: This refers to Twitter’s three stages of a campaign launch, which must involve targeting a pool of influential engagers (tease), driving mass awareness and starting conversations (reveal), and maintaining buzz to keep your brand on top of consumers’ minds (reinforce).]
Did the campaign become a success on Twitter?
According to social media measurement firm Crimson Hexagon, Lego’s “#RebuildTheWorld” campaign garnered over 100,000 tweets in the first 4 days after the campaign’s launch.
Additionally, Lego recorded a 35% increase in consumers’ positive sentiment toward its brand!
See? When you use Twitter Trending Topics properly, you’ll be able to build awareness and generate interest about your business.
Timeliness and relevance are two important factors in any digital marketing effort. These will help you create an AMAZING piece of content or campaign that connects with your target market in authentic ways.
So… what are you waiting for?
Gain powerful insights that can boost your content and social media marketing strategies with the help of Twitter Trending Topics!
Remain true to your niche and dive deeper into what your target market is interested in. These will enable you to interact with your target market effectively and appropriately.
Use Twitter Trending Topics to help you stay abreast of what’s currently happening… and remember to capitalize only on those subjects that work for your brand!
About The Dynamic Marketing Communiqué’s
“Thursdays: FYO! Find You Optimization”
Why should you stop thinking SEO and start thinking FYO?
We’re not saying that you should abandon Search Engine Optimization (SEO).
Don’t get us wrong, of course, we know this is something very important, especially in today’s digital marketing age.
The internet landscape is vast, and a world of its own. You really need to distinguish yourself and make your brand/company/website known and easily searchable.
Better yet, get to the top of page one for Top Results on Google or any other search engine.
However, what is the purpose of SEO? It’s that customers Find You!
That’s what matters. So, while SEO is one factor of FYO… it really is only one, and we ought not to abandon all the myriad of ways digitally and offline for improving your FYO.
How can we look at this from a different and better perspective?
Let’s say you have it in the bag! You and your team are experts in SEO. Awesome. But did you ever wonder what else you could do to push it further and give your SEO skills a boost?
FYO! Find You Optimization!
You need your target audience to FIND YOU—your brand, product, service, or offer. This is SEO plus other tools that increase visibility online (and offline).
Every Thursday, we publish content on how you can get your target market to find you, beyond the typical “type and search.” There are other things you can do along with your SEO to give your online advertising process a boost.
Try considering other tactics beyond it—WOMO (Word Of Mouth Optimization), RO (Referral Optimization), and “All-Other-Means-Of-Getting-Your-Target-Market-To-Find-You” Optimization (AOMOGYTMTFY, if you’d like a long acronym).
Part of a great marketing strategy is knowing how to adapt new methods and make use of different types of marketing and promotion that best fit your business goals and which give you the results you want.
Hope you’ve found this week’s insights interesting and helpful.
Stay tuned for next Thursday’s FYO!
Kyle Yu
Head of Marketing
Valens Dynamic Marketing Capabilities
Powered by Valens Research